The AJNashville Podcast

Life is in Session

AJNashville Season 2 Episode 40

Reflection allows us to discover the hidden value we do not see on the surface every day. It humbles us to analyze ourselves and the changes we have made throughout our lives as time continues to pass by. Reflection makes us realize to not take time and place for granted, to soak up the truth and appreciate the possibilities we have available to us all the time, so long as we are willing to take the opportunity.

We are not granted save points to revert back to and try again from in life. We have to give our love while we can because we may not have another chance. We need to be honest so we don't have to live our lives as lies we have to keep track of. We have to be aware of the people around us who we want to give our most to and deserve to dedicate our precious time to. Life will always be in session, so it is important that we figure out how to balance and allocate our time in appropriate ways that bring us joy and allow us to be fulfilled with how we spent our time.

People will naturally evolve out of your life as you grow apart. That doesn't mean you can't drift together again, it doesn't mean you have to either. Some people will continue to watch you grow and look up to you for inspiration. You have to be dedicated and supportive to those who are trying to achieve what you have worked hard to obtain, as well as looking for your own sources of motivation to keep yourself growing. Remember where you have been so that you can use those memories to fuel you to get where you are going, yet continue to remain humble and compassionate to those who are just like you were. Remain in motion so that you can serve as your own example of integrity and inspiration when you reflect back on your own success and hardships overcome.