The AJNashville Podcast

Face the Mountain

AJNashville Season 2 Episode 40

Things get tough when we allow ourselves to second-guess what it is we are doing and where we are trying to arrive to. We get thrown off-course when we let others influence us and get inside our minds. It's up to us though to make the choice to get back up and keep trying or just give up on the commitments we set for ourselves to achieve. We cannot lie to ourselves to make excuses for why we didn't accomplish our goals.

When you think of life as if it is a mountain, which kind of person are you? Are you like the trees, who settle in one spot and take up roots? Do you need stability and are content with staying in the one place you choose? Are you the hiker, always striving to reach the peak of the mountain and constantly changing? Are you willing to continue pushing yourself further no matter what, even if the goal moves farther or can no longer be seen directly? 

Who you decide to surround yourself with greatly impacts how you will decide to live. Do you hang out with the trees, complacent and willing to stop dreaming of climbing higher on the mountain? Or do you move with the aide and support of other hikers, the people who want to move on and dream up new things to achieve in life no matter how hard it is to obtain? Are you willing to do the uncomfortable work that has to be done in order to live the dream tomorrow you envision in your mind today?

Take the lessons others ahead of you are willing to teach you. These are the people you should keep around in your life, the people who don't mind sharing their success with you and the keys to achieve your own wealth and success. These are the people who deserve your energy and who should matter the most to you. Let them have the greatest impact on your thoughts and actions, not the people who will judge you and impede your journey because they gave up on their dreams long ago.

What is it you expect from yourself? What is it that you want people to say that you did and how you impacted them? Be your own advocate and find the people who will help you face the mountain because they have already climbed it and are still trying to find their peak.