The AJNashville Podcast

Sticks & Stones

AJNashville Season 2 Episode 42

We tend to have a hard time moving on from people at certain seasons in life. There's a  mental capacity that we CHOOSE to allow other people to take up inside of our minds. We give them credit, regardless of whether they are actually worth as much as we give them. The difficulty of moving on is more consuming that the fact that we allow them in our space in the first place. Then, we go even further by letting them maintain that space of ours. Until eventually, they have the power to rule over our own minds more than we do.

Why don't we focus that energy and time on the positivity and motivation we need in order to progress further on the journeys of achieving our dreams? Concentrating on problems will only ensure you fill your mental capacity with, you guessed it, more negative problems. It is human to feel negative emotions, but it is also human to be able to take a moment to process the situation, and CHOOSE to act in a way that isn't consumed with our gut feelings.

Whatever people say to you, you can take it in and allow it to harm you, or let it motivate you to continue growing and pushing yourself forward. People can't talk shit when you're doing things they can't. If they do, then they aren't your people. Your people support you and lift you up, not bring you down just because they CHOOSE to stay down. 

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." 

We give the power to the words. You CHOOSE what you do with that power.