The AJNashville Podcast


December 22, 2023 AJNashville Season 2 Episode 35

Christmas: a time of giving to those who matter most to you and reflection of your efforts over the past year. Just as the symbolic nature of winter, it is a time to recognize what is essentially dead to you and work on pruning that dead weight away in order to make room for new growth in your next upcoming season of life. You are probably your biggest hindrance to some of the goals that you haven't accomplished due to the things that you are willing to do or not willing to do based on the things that you want to do in order to accomplish the things that you tell people you do.

You should be setting goals to remind yourself through trackable metrics what it is you are setting out to accomplish and when you actually accomplish them. Establishing a range of accomplishment within each of your goals allows you to have a baseline and a potential highline to typically fall somewhere between the two goal metrics. Knowing methods that you will adhere to for tracking your metrics are vital to the success of your goals.

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time.
SMART is a format widely used to flesh out your goals in ways that will help you to visualize how you wish to achieve your goals and live in the future you desire. Every one of your goals that you truly wish to accomplish should be answered within each of those perimeters per the goal. Your goals should be set for you alone, not for others. Commit to your goals over your excuses by knowing your true priorities realistically. As long as you take action to become 1% better every day, you cannot let the days that may fall short to overcome your daily progress and drive. 

Have brutal honesty with yourself so you can no longer lie to yourself why you haven't accomplished a goal you've already set. Realize what it is that is holding you back from your dreams and cut off anything that is no longer serving you with purpose. 2024 isn't a time for a new version of you, but rather a raw version of you that focuses on what it is at your core that truly drives you to obtain your successes. Remember what it is you do everything for.