The AJNashville Podcast
@The AJNashville Podcast will feature guests from all walks of life. You will hear stories of success, stories of failure. Most of all, you will hear how people have overcome the failures in life and made something epic out of the lessons they have learned. This podcast will have entertaining and intriguing content for listeners everywhere. Our goal is to positively impact a million lives in our lifetime. Our messages are meant to provoke thought and spark conversations through the encouragement of a healthy mindset and lifestyle. We are here to motivate you to build the relationships you need that will help you create the life you want to live through actions NOW.
The AJNashville Podcast
Be Present Where You Are
If you really want to meet a certain goal, you have to be able to see yourself accomplishing said goal. You have to know how to allocate your time wisely with the right people so that you can build the memories you want to remember and be remembered by loved ones later. You have to talk to yourself with love and confidence as if it is already possible and happening, especially within your own mindset.
You have to be present wherever you are, because the things that you have to be present for, are likely the situations you can never replicate or experience ever again. You have to realize that your very presence is all that matters in the moment for your children, family, and friends. You have to let your distractions fall away when the people who matter most are around you and deserve your love and attention. Your loved ones should hold priority over your phone or professional responsibilities when you are spending quality time with them and experience You present with them to the fullest. Life is short and unpredictable--today is your only guarantee, you must make NOW count.