The AJNashville Podcast
@The AJNashville Podcast will feature guests from all walks of life. You will hear stories of success, stories of failure. Most of all, you will hear how people have overcome the failures in life and made something epic out of the lessons they have learned. This podcast will have entertaining and intriguing content for listeners everywhere. Our goal is to positively impact a million lives in our lifetime. Our messages are meant to provoke thought and spark conversations through the encouragement of a healthy mindset and lifestyle. We are here to motivate you to build the relationships you need that will help you create the life you want to live through actions NOW.
The AJNashville Podcast
Bank of Time
How often do you find yourself feeling proud of your productivity and time well spent in life? Or do you tend to end up feeling robbed of your most precious asset when the day is done and you analyze how you have used your time for the day? Are the people you love the most getting your time the most, or is it people less deserving taking all of it up before you can get home to your family? Can you recognize when someone is overspending and maintain that healthy boundary for your own happiness?
An hour used is still an hour no matter how it is used. Some people are going to come along and bankrupt your time if you do not stand your ground. If they are not willing to expend the energy to bring about a solution for themselves, then it shouldn't be on you to do so for them on your dime and time. You have to be the one to limit them to your time so they do not tap out all of your energy and resources for themselves. You must determine who it is that contributes to your success and who drains you of your resources if you don't remain vigilant and steadfast.
You can choose who you reciprocate your effort and time to based on who has truly earned it from you. Every time you disburse value, you should receive value that makes you feel just as good to get as it is to give. Your bank of money can be depleted and infinite based on your level of commitment to your success. Your bank of time though, is depleting every second of your existence, and cannot have more added to it. Life is short and death is inevitable, so make sure you invest your time most to yourself and towards the things and people that matter the most to you. You deserve the best of you so that you can give the best YOU to those you love.