The AJNashville Podcast
@The AJNashville Podcast will feature guests from all walks of life. You will hear stories of success, stories of failure. Most of all, you will hear how people have overcome the failures in life and made something epic out of the lessons they have learned. This podcast will have entertaining and intriguing content for listeners everywhere. Our goal is to positively impact a million lives in our lifetime. Our messages are meant to provoke thought and spark conversations through the encouragement of a healthy mindset and lifestyle. We are here to motivate you to build the relationships you need that will help you create the life you want to live through actions NOW.
The AJNashville Podcast
Hard Things FIRST
Do you ever seem to notice how pain gets worse the longer you let it get to you? Could you handle the pain if you gave up trying to mitigate the issue, even as it grows stronger the longer you neglect addressing it? Or are you more likely to try and make the pain only happen temporarily for yourself by looking for solutions to your problems?
Even as we are pushed to our limits, we discover how much strength we still have to keep going. Sure, pain is a difficult thing for all of us to go through and learn to manage, but only until we OVERCOME it. We have to prove to ourselves that hard times are only temporary and that overcoming them is far more important than quitting during the weakest moments.
Once the hard things are done and out of the way, you have the freedom to enjoy the simpler tasks. You have the efficiency already built in to get the rest of the stuff that needs done accomplished that much faster. The more you procrastinate the big stuff, the more power you give to it and allow it to steal your time, even just worrying about doing it. Your mind manipulates itself into thinking you are a quitter just because you let one task rule your time until you decide to complete it.
You have to be the one to challenge yourself and grow your mind. Growth isn't meant to be a quick and easy task. It comes from lessons learned through failures that lead to successes. It happens when you make consistent and continued actions of improvement to form the life you want for yourself. It occurs when you overcome your fears by doing the hard things FIRST. Remember to give yourself credit for how far you have already come and be grateful for all that you already have EVERY DAY.