The AJNashville Podcast
@The AJNashville Podcast will feature guests from all walks of life. You will hear stories of success, stories of failure. Most of all, you will hear how people have overcome the failures in life and made something epic out of the lessons they have learned. This podcast will have entertaining and intriguing content for listeners everywhere. Our goal is to positively impact a million lives in our lifetime. Our messages are meant to provoke thought and spark conversations through the encouragement of a healthy mindset and lifestyle. We are here to motivate you to build the relationships you need that will help you create the life you want to live through actions NOW.
The AJNashville Podcast
Beyond the Board
Why can vision boards be an outdated and flawed method of achieving your goals? When was the last time you actually updated your vision board to reflect the progress you have already made and accommodate any shifts within your goals you may have decided to change along the way? Tracking your progress is just as important as tracking your desires. You have to be mindful of the pathways and signs that tell you whether your goals are obtainable or within reach and update them based on your reality.
The objects we desire should serve as a reminder of all the challenges we had to face to obtain those things. It should be more for you than for other people to see and congratulate you on achieving. They don't see all you had to go through and overcome in order to have what you have now, but you know what you've been through. You know what you've had to do over and over until it finally produced the result you wanted.
That's why you have to measure your actions and your goals along the way. Then you know when you fall off track and can redirect yourself back on course. Don't let your vision board restrict your possibilities! Think beyond the limitations of the board and always remember to be grateful for all you have already accomplished for yourself.