The AJNashville Podcast
@The AJNashville Podcast will feature guests from all walks of life. You will hear stories of success, stories of failure. Most of all, you will hear how people have overcome the failures in life and made something epic out of the lessons they have learned. This podcast will have entertaining and intriguing content for listeners everywhere. Our goal is to positively impact a million lives in our lifetime. Our messages are meant to provoke thought and spark conversations through the encouragement of a healthy mindset and lifestyle. We are here to motivate you to build the relationships you need that will help you create the life you want to live through actions NOW.
The AJNashville Podcast
Cheat Your Way... to the Top!
How many of you allow yourself to have cheat days? And how many of you let your cheat day evolve into an excuse to break your habits every time it rolls around? Are you rigid in your discipline and steadfast to the time blocking you claim you strictly adhere to? Do you end up letting distractions come between you and the success you find yourself chasing day in and out, feeling like your efforts are exhausted even though if you were honest with yourself, you know you haven't truly given it your best efforts?
Maybe you make an excuse to bend your discipline and make the day a cheat day before your "set cheat day". Now you've made it okay to skip and set the unconscious precedence in your head that making excuses for not arriving is okay as long as your excuse supersedes your reason. Now you've only made your desires negotiable with yourself. Now your word is as good as nothing. Stop lying to yourself for the sake of others, because nobody gives a fuck about what only you know.
Do it for yourself. Set the habits that serve you in your future. In order to build your future, you have to take action TODAY. You can lay just 1 brick, or you can lay 20. Hell, you can lay 3 million. ANYTHING. BUT. NOTHING. It has to be consistent and compounding, you have to stay committed every day in order to make your goal your reality. Every day you cheat, you can see it as a day to fall behind on getting to your future that much faster, or you can see it as an opportunity for you to continue growing ever further into your future. BY YOUR CHOICE.
Replace your bad habit with something good for you. Know when you feel yourself in need of recalibration and embrace the change as good for you. You only have so many days left so make them count in the ways that truly matter the most to you.