The AJNashville Podcast

Give Up Negative Thinking

Alex Jimenez Season 3 Episode 7

You ever find yourself giving off bad vibes you never meant to? Eliminate that shit by going to the source and cutting out the negativity at the roots. You have to protect your mind and space for yourself by getting rid of the things that suck away your energy. Remove yourself from the position that is causing problems and direct your mindset to be solution oriented for your own success. 

You are capable of choosing your path for yourself, take advantage of your sense of individuality and capitalize on YOU. Protect your perception by maintaining boundaries you set with others. All too often, others unknowingly unload their shit onto you and then expect you to carry it around for them. You have to be the one to change that and let it stop at you, rather than you unknowingly carrying it home to your family. 

Forcing your opinions on others will certainly earn you disdain. Sharing it freely though will attract your people back to you organically. Like people like people. Everybody has a just as equal of a right as you to believe what they want. Every morning is a new opportunity to do what you want with your time for the day. Be thankful for your freedom to choose positivity for yourself by simply making the decision to cast out the negativity in your life.