The AJNashville Podcast

Move Your Mountain

Alex Jimenez Season 3 Episode 8

Every day comes and it goes, there's no question about that. But maybe you should be asking yourself if how you spend your time is most fruitful to your happiness. Do you set goals that will bring you true joy if you achieve them? How about on the way? Do you find yourself giving up on your own future just because it becomes challenging to obtain at times? Are you really ready to sink back into what you know and remain average in life? Or are you ready to be better and not be okay with just being okay?

If you're going to make excuses for yourself, why not make excuses that better yourself more in life. Time moves on whether you are going to take advantage of every second it has to offer you or not. Just do what needs to be done first in the day and you'd be surprised at how much time you still have left to do the things you want to do without the weight of worry. Let yourself prioritize what you need to accomplish to truly grant yourself the freedom to do what you really want to do one task at a time and just set out to see it done.

When you no longer see failure as option, you will infinitely grow in knowing there is always a lesson to be learned, whether it was easy or hard to experience. You get to choose how to carry your mindset in life and if you will allow things to interrupt your success. Just do what you set yourself out to do and know that if your plans change, it's not because you are weak and gave up on your dreams, but because your goals have evolved and transformed as time has progressed while you took action towards the future you desire. It may take you longer than you expected, or maybe you will find yourself standing where you used to only dream of that much faster when you just do the damn thing you know you have to do to get there that much faster, too. 

If you must, move your mountain, one rock, each waking morning, until it is done. As long as you remain vigilant, the rewards you could claim along the way are as good as gold every day.