The AJNashville Podcast

Awareness is Power

Alex Jimenez Season 3 Episode 9

They say that ignorance is bliss, but have you ever realized how much power comes with awareness instead? And power doesn't have to be some big bad thing, it simply exists because you exist. You are your own person and you have power within you, though it is up to you how you choose to step into it and ultimately use it. You have to be the one to stand up for your beliefs and let people know your opinions and boundaries, not be all mighty powerful douchebag, but to be respected and committed to your own ideas and passions that drive you. You don't have to go around shouting your stance to nobody listening, you need to advocate for yourself when you feel encroached upon by others ready to crush your boundaries and beliefs. 

Just because that is who they are, does not mean you should waver from your own self. Though self-awareness is important to maintain, because sometimes you find yourself falling under the spell of other people's expectations and have to realize you can't always be right, either. The people you surround yourself with is a direct reflection of who you are and what it is you are trying to attract in your life. You need to protect the people closest to you that truly value your time and move on from the people who seem to only waste your time or not value your voice when you speak it. 

Building community doesn't mean every body has to agree on every thing, just that we agree on the right things and will stand up for them together when necessary. Believe in yourself first and know that you belong with your people. Awareness is knowledge based on your experiences and your very existence is your power.